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28.08.2019 |
Lucky Smile for O-Bla-Di O-Bla-Da
JunRusCh, RusCh, JunRusClubCh, RusClubCh, Grand RusCh Lucky Smile for It's Only Love |
GB Ch Lythwood Sharp Shooter |
GB Ch Lythwood Shalako |
GB Ch Lythwood Steptoe |
GB Ch Lythwood Stage Wispa At Tegwel |
Lythwood Scarlett Ribbon |
GB Ch Moonlight Black Magic |
Lythwood Stritzer At Terriwood |
RusJunCh, Jun ClubCh, RusCh,RusClubCh, Grande RusCh, JunCh of Belarus, Ch Belarus, ChUkraine Lucky Smile for Me |
Rus Ch, UkrCh, RusClubCh Lunaire Boy Blue |
Herds The Hornpiper |
Lynaire Blue Savannah |
RusCh, UKRCh, 2xChRKF, Rus, Bel, Ukr GrandCh, 4xCh Nat.Club Lustrous Infanta |
Rus Ch, UkrCh, RusClubCh Lunaire Boy Blue |
Rus, Ch, RusClubCh Golden Gates Delychesse Cortny |
Lucky Smile for Eleanor Rigby |
JunRusCh, RusCh, ChRKF, BelCh, UkrCh, RusGrCh, BelGrCh, UkrGrCh, Ch Nat.Club
Lucky Smile for Blue Sky |
Rus, Ua, Rus.Club CH Landover Blue Frost |
Faradale Frederick at Bothways |
Landover's Fenx |
UaCh RusCh, UkrCh, 2xChRKF, RusGrCh, BelGrCh, UkrGrCh, 4xCh RusClubCh Lustrous Infanta |
Rus Ch, UkrCh, RusClubCh Lunaire Boy Blue |
RusCh, RusClubCh Golden Gates Delychesse Cortny |
Rozalinda |
Rus Ch Scandyline Among the Stars |
Ch Est, Club Ch Lucky Star Little Gentleman |
Ch Est Ultra Gold z Dablovy Studanky |
Lili |
Rus Ch Scandyline Among the Stars |
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